We provide personalised support to all ages; from babies to teenagers
We are a pair of sleep geeks who want to help you and your child, from newborn to teenage years, to sleep better.
We take time to understand you and your unique situation to create a sleep plan that you can manage, and one which takes into account the needs of the child and expectations of your family. We do not have a "one size fits all" approach as we know every child is different. Our sleep training only uses evidence based techniques.
We have five children between us, all with their quirks; from multiple allergies to ADHD, which combined with training in ASD sleep means we handle anything!
We are passionate about sleep and helping families. As well as running this business, we voluntarily run sleep courses for both SPACE and on behalf of The Sleep Charity and provide support to local schools.
If you would like to find our more about what we do, or how we may be able to help you, your family or your school then get in touch by email, facebook or fill in the form below.

Forty Winks Sleep Consultancy is run by Hayley and Renee, two highly experienced and qualified professionals who between them have more than 25 years’ experience with babies and children.
Renee was a registered childminder for several years before setting up as a sleep practitioner in 2017, training with The London School of Childcare Studies and then The Sleep Charity. Alongside Forty Winks, Renee also works on The National Sleep Helpline and with the NHS and local authorities on behalf of The Sleep Charity.
Hayley has been a nanny for many years and trained as a sleep practitioner with Babyem.
In addition to our consultancy service, we run courses and have supported the Teen Sleep hub on behalf of the Sleep Charity, and also lead courses with SPACE, a Hertfordshire charity providing help and support to families with ASD and ADHD

We've been featured in Irish lifestyle and fashion magazine Image.ie! Read what we had to say here: https://www.image.ie/life/heres-how-much-sleep-parents-of-newborns-actually-get-154937

Why not start your New Years resolutions with helping your family sleep?
After todays successful Sleep Talking event, Forty Winks will be hosting another in early January to help get you back on track!